
If you’re interested in advancing your expertise in psychology, this honours degree from Macquarie – ranked in the top 100 universities in the world for psychology – provides a pathway from undergraduate to postgraduate study.

The prestigious Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours) is intended for high-achieving students aiming for a career in a specialist field such as clinical neuropsychology, clinical psychology, organisational psychology or professional psychology. You’ll study advanced topics in psychology and professional practice, receive further training in the analysis of data and research methodologies, and conduct a substantive piece of research. Through these studies, you’ll advance your scientific understanding of the psychological processes that underlie behaviour, including cognition, emotion, learning, motivation, perception and personality.

This qualification is the next step following completion of a Bachelor of Psychology as the fourth year of psychology studies, and precedes further professional psychology training at the master degree level. After successful completion of a Bachelor of Psychology, and after meeting the required WAM and additional entry criteria, you can apply for the Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours). Students who meet the criteria will be assessed competitively for places in the one-year honours degree, which is required to apply for postgraduate study.
Key features

Continue with the next step in the psychology pathway
Successfully complete this degree and gain provisional registration with AHPRA as well as the required training for postgraduate study.
Further your expertise by learning from active researchers
Study at a uni ranked in the world top 100 for psychology and be taught by academics who are international experts in their field.
Advance your investigation and evaluation skills
Hone your skills and contribute to furthering scientific understanding by completing a substantive research project.
Gain ideal preparation for one of five master degrees
Study clinical neuropsychology; clinical, organisational or professional psychology; or the unique Master of Research.
Career opportunities

Completion of this qualification leads to a range of diverse career outcomes, as well as further professional psychology training and higher degree research. Further study includes the following degrees offered by Macquarie:

Other career options include behavioural support specialist, family support worker, health and community program manager, health researcher, human resources professional, market or social researcher, project manager, rehabilitation worker, report writer, social program coordinator.

NOTE: This degree is not currently accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). An application for accreditation with APAC is currently being assessed, with an outcome anticipated in December 2023.

More information about the Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours) will be available soon.