MQ Incubator
Membership Application Form
Macquarie Incubator Membership – open to everyone

If you are a founder not already connected to Macquarie University, don’t worry. Our Incubator Membership is open to everyone regardless of whether you have studied at Macquarie or not. The only thing we are interested in is your amazing ideas and the impact they can make.

Incubator Membership provides early stage and scaling startups with access to a supportive community of like-minded founders, divers spaces offering of co-working desks, offices and laboratories, training and personal development through regular workshops delivered year round by industry leaders, connections to a network of over 50 experts for on-demand mentoring and support, and links to leading university research networks all managed and curated by our dedicated team.

Cost: $300 + GST per membership, per month

This monthly membership fee includes:

· Dedicated incubator support team
· Community access and support (in person and online) including our members only intranet
· Year round education programming delivered by industry leaders (in person and online)
· On-demand introductions to mentors and industry experts
· Connections to Macquarie University research and student networks
· Access to partner discounts and credits eg. software and hosting
· 24/7 building access to the Incubator’s flexible coworking hub or deeptech incubator with allocated work spaces including offices and laboratories, boardroom, meeting rooms, event space, wi-fi, kitchens and amenities
· Regular social and industry engagement events (in person and online)
· Incubator digital platforms

Next Intake
Mid-July, 2024
Application Close Date
Applications for cohort 2 2024 close July 1 2024*
*Applications can be assessed at any time however mid-cohort applications will miss course content and will have to participate in missed course content with Cohort 1 in Semester 1, 2025
Location Macquarie University Incubator, 8 Hadenfeld Ave, Macquarie University, 2109
Contact Email [email protected]


Program Overview


1. Validate

The validate masterclasses focus on creative thinking and lean business methodology, with a customer centric approach at its core. Its aim is to assist participants assess & critically determine the commercialisation potential of their ideas.


2. Market

The market masterclasses aim to provide founders and innovators with enough understanding of brand, marketing, sales and digital platforms to launch their MVP.


3. Structure

The structure masterclasses focus on getting business structure in place and ready for growth from the start. It aims to assist participants understand corporate governance, what they need in place when raising capital and managing IP.


4. Articulate

The articulate masterclasses are all about developing the skills to tell your story in a succinct and compelling way to create an authentic connection with your audience.


5. Fund

The fund masterclasses are all about investors and investment. Focusing on what are the different types of investors and investment options for what stage, how to find and approach investors, and how to negotiate to secure the best deal.

What You Need To Apply

Have an idea that aims to address a sizable market
Demonstrate a scalable business model enabled by technology
Have a clear understanding of the pain point and how to solve it
Have a plan on how to be sustainable
Know who your market is and demonstrate potential to make an impact
*We also welcome applications from social impact enterprises that may not meet all the above criteria.


Application Process

We accept applications from founders and startups — from the validation stage onwards and we don't take equity in our startups.

1. Express your interest via our application form

2. Interview – presentation and Q&A

3. Offer to participate

4. Contract and induction process