Non-school Applicant On-Demand Webinar

Are you ready to make your next move?

At Macquarie, we recognise that every student’s journey is different. Whether you’ve taken a gap year, been in the workforce or pursued other studies, we’re here to help you unlock your full potential at Sydney’s #1 ranked university for teaching quality.

Join us online for our Non-school Applicant Webinar where you’ll:

  • learn about the Macquarie Advantage and how we’ll set you up for success
  • hear from current students who’ve followed a similar ‘non-school applicant’ route
  • find out about transferring from other study or returning to study after taking time away
  • understand how we asses RPL (recognition of prior learning)
  • get insights on student life and our support services

Register now to find out where Macquarie can take you.

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